So far Vernon Yacht Club’s Boat & Watersports Show
has 20% more boats coming to our marina over last year and the show is still 3 weeks away! The six organizers are working hard to make it another great event and break a few more records. Last year the event helped sell more boats than any year previously and attendance was at an all-time high!
Boats, boat gear and supplies, boating services and water related businesses are abundant at the show and if you are looking for anything related to boating this is your one stop location.
Our fabulous VYC staff, hard working committee members and over 80 member volunteers do all they can to offer our vendors, guests and the public a great time, meals and beverages on our deck and fun activities for all ages! Thank you Okanagan Spring Brewery for being our beer sponsor for the Boat Show again this year! All visitors are welcome to come into our club and enjoy a menu of barbequed burgers, hotdogs and vegetarian options on our upper deck with a full view of the show!
Absolute Classic Marine is back this year with their gorgeous new and antique classic boats! This was one of our our mermaid’s favorite boats last year:
UnPlug & Play children’s activities are at the Boat Show and they will list the children’s scheduled events on their website and Morning Star publication. Thank you North Okanagan Sailing Association for organizing the children’s Boat Building Station, Vernon Paddling Centre for bringing the Crafts Activities and Trina the best facepainter around for creating fun characters for children. We have more sailboats on the water this year for free Sailboat RIdes and remote boat demonstrations by Terry Rudersdorfer. Dream Party Production’s Disney character “Moana” will be arriving Sunday, May 6th!
The annual Vernon Yacht Club Boat Show is a FREE public event that accepts donations to the Salvation Army in support of the local Food Bank. Look for the KingFisher Boat at the top of the driveway to leave donations! For vendors looking for a great place to stay, Sandman Hotel & Suites are offering special Boat Show rates.
To get to the show the Kal Tire Boat Show shuttles will be taking visitors from Marshall Soccer Fields Parking Area to the Boat Show every 10 minutes from 8am – after close… People with limited mobility can be dropped off at the Boat Show or there are a few spots available for people with mobility limitations above the yacht club.
For information or to register contact the VYC office at: or 2018 Boat Show Chair Fred Haight at:

Free Sailboat rides for visitors..get on the list early! Twin Anchors’ Houseboat Vacations generously donated the Grande Prize 2 years in a row!