Vernon Yacht Club

VYC Membership Form

VYC Membership Application Terms


– ALL required fields (field labels followed by a * ) MUST be filled in
– Photos in HEIC format are incompatible with our process so please don’t use this format
– Photos greater than 1MB in size will be rejected by the form so please ensure you resize appropriately
– Successful submissions are confirmed with a “THANK-YOU” message on your screen
– A confirmation of receipt email should also be received shortly after submission
– Please try an alternate browser if your submission doesn’t complete successfully
Please contact me by clicking here if you don’t receive a screen and or email confirmation

New and Renewal Membership Application Form
Annual VYC Fee Structure:

New Memberships
– Initiation Fee (one time, nonrefundable fee): Regular = $3000, Social = $250

All Memberships
– Annual Dues: Regular = $550, Social = $275
– House Account (any residue after Oct 31 is forfeit): All Memberships = $250

GST (5%) is applicable to all fees with the exception of the House Account

Please see Moorage and Winter Moorage Applications for Moorage terms and fees

Regular Membership applicants must reside within 100km Radius of Vernon, BC


Please enter # from top right of your membership card


Please provide a current passport style Photo (submitting a Photo is optional ... submission is accepted as permission to post photo's online for things like Executive Positions)
BC Services Card (required to verify BC residency and Address)
Card address MUST match Home Address (both sides of Card required) provide your BC Drivers License if combined with your BC Services Card ... you can mask BCDL#, DOB and BCPH# ... you can attach one or more files to this entry
Please provide a preferred contact #
Enter if you don't have an email address ... Note: this address will be used for all invoice and prime communications including confirmation of this form
Please enter the last 8 characters printed on the VYC Security Key Card you are personally using ... if the 3 prefix characters are missing, please enter 1A: followed by the last 5 digits on the card
Our Club is modeled on member PARTICIPATION. Please select one or more areas you can help with.
Pleasure Craft Operator Card
Spouse | Significant Other | Partner ...
(Must reside at same Home Address as Primary Member)

1st Mate/Secondary

Please provide a current passport style Photo (submitting a Photo is optional ... submission is accepted as permission to post photo's online for things like Executive Positions)
BC Services Card (required to verify BC residency and Address)
Card address MUST match Home Address (both sides of Card required) provide your BC Drivers License if combined with your BC Services Card ... you can mask BCDL#, DOB and BCPH#... you can attach one or more files to this entry

Contact details for 1st Mate/Secondary are Optional … entries are available in the event your contact info differs from your Skipper/Primary and or you wish to be included in all club notifications

Please provide a preferred contact #
Each VYC Member (PRIMARY OR SECONDARY) is allowed ONLY ONE Security Key Card. (MAX 2 Cards/Membership) A 2nd Key Card is $20 (one time non-refundable charge)
Each VYC Member (PRIMARY OR SECONDARY) is allowed ONLY ONE Security Key Card. (MAX 2 Cards/Membership) A 2nd Key Card is $20 (one time non-refundable charge)
Please enter the last 8 characters printed on the VYC Security Key Card you are personally using ... if the 3 prefix characters are missing, please enter 1A: followed by the last 5 digits on the card
Our Club is modeled on member PARTICIPATION. Please select one or more areas you can help with.
Pleasure Craft Operator Card
Crew is defined as dependent(s) up to the age of 19 (age exception for dependents with disabilities)

NOTE: 1st Mate/Secondary is NOT a CREW Member
Please fill in 1st Mate/Secondary info above


Crew is defined as dependent(s) up to the age of 19 (age exception for dependents with disabilities) that must reside at the registered Home Address NOTE: All Crew Members MUST be accompanied by a Skipper or 1st Mate while on Club Property
First Name and Last Name Initial
First Name and Last Name Initial
First Name and Last Name Initial
First Name and Last Name Initial
First Name and Last Name Initial
First Name and Last Name Initial

Home Address

Street Type
Street Direction
Postal Code
Please enter your Mailing Address if it not the same as your Home Address

Mailing Address

Street Type
Street Direction
Postal Code

Member References

Please provide 2 VYC Club Members as References
Enter: VYC Membership ID - VYC Member First & Last Name
Enter: VYC Membership ID - VYC Member First & Last Name

Submit Membership Form

It is understood that checking agree (below) hereby waives all rights and/or subrogation rights to sue or take legal action against the Vernon Yacht Club from all liability or from any claim for loss or damage by fire and any other hazards or caused by any act or neglect on the part of the Vernon Yacht Club or its employees or members.

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